
Air Conditioning Training is an important part of the services offered by CDL. Technology is constantly evolving and it is vital that our customers are kept up to date with the latest methods and techniques handling our products.

The objective of our training is to share our knowledge with the engineer to assist in our customers delivering a high standard of installation to their client. Trained engineers who are more familiar with the equipment will then typically run in to less obstacles during installation meaning an all round more positive experience for the installer and end user.

Air Conditioning Warranty & Training


The Air Conditioning Training courses we offer cover the installation, commissioning and fault finding of split systems and VRF products. These are typically full day courses although we do run half day “top-up” courses. As well as these, we do also offer a bespoke training service whereby we can deliver a training session directly geared to the needs of the attendees.  Additionally, we now offer training through the Toshiba online training portal, contact us for more details.

CDL offer training at each of its locations and all of these are both hands on and theory based.  We can also deliver the training sessions at a customers own premises through a theory only approach.

CDL are also registered by Cibse to offer CPDs on a number of subjects. These typically last 45-60 minutes and include subjects such as F-Gas Legislation, Compressor Technology and Seasonal Efficiencies.

Finally, we do not charge for our training services. We appreciate that there is a cost for the attendee simply by being off the road in the case of an engineer. We provide refreshments on the day also at no cost. We believe it important to work with our partners for the mutual benefit of all involved in the supply chain.